Transmission Gully Community Survey Stage II: Face-to-face and household telephone willingness-to-pay surveys

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The Wellington Regional Council and Transit New Zealand first
determined a “general” willingness-to-pay for early construction of
Transmission Gully by Wellington region residents in McDermott Miller’s
Transmission Gully Household Telephone Community Survey reported in
May 1999. It next wished to find out the extent to which the Wellington
regional community is willing to contribute to the funds necessary for the
early construction of the Transmission Gully roading project.

Stage II of the Transmission Gully Community Survey has been
undertaken to determine whether there is:

- a willingness-to-pay tolls by users of the Transmission Gully route;
- an optimum level of toll and the likely toll revenue generated by toll rates
at this level;
- a regional residents’ preferences to meet any shortfall in payment for
Transmission Gully required after taking into account toll revenues from
either regional rates increasing and/or regional petrol taxes; and,
- sufficient willingness-to-pay in total to generate adequate funding for the
early construction of Transmission Gully.

This publication outlines the surveys approach and methodology, face to
face survey results and the results of the telephone survey.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:06