Transmission Gully community survey - report on household survey of regional residents

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Wellington Regional Council and Transit New Zealand have been seeking
a suitable solution to the increasing problems of congestion, safety and
community severance along the existing State Highway 1 route.

A possible solution to these problems is the construction of the
Transmission Gully roading project, a 27km inland route. At present
Transmission Gully cannot be built using national funds, as insufficient
benefits would accrue from the route to justify the amount of money it
would cost to build.

The Wellington Regional Council and Transit New Zealand want to find
out whether the Wellington regional community is willing to contribute
some or all of the funds necessary for the early construction of the
Transmission Gully roading project.

McDermott Miller Limited was commissioned to undertake a household
survey of the Wellington regional community to gauge:

- support for the early construction of Transmission Gully;
- support for the form of regional tax the community would most prefer to
pay for Transmission Gully’s early construction;
- overall support of early construction of Transmission Gully paid for by the
Wellington regional community; and,
- likely use of Transmission Gully as a free or toll road.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 11:48