Appendix D: Population, Flows & Climate Change Memo/Appendix E: Analysis of Selected Emerging Contaminants & Direct Toxicity Assessment (WGN200229)

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Appendix D: Population, Flows & Climate Change Memo/Appendix E: Analysis of Selected Emerging Contaminants & Direct Toxicity Assessment (WGN200229) preview
  • Published Date Fri 31 Jan 2020
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This document contains two appendices: 

Appendix D: Population, Flows, and Climate Change Memo presents the population and flows for the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Porirua, along with a discussion on the potential effects of climate change on the network flows. 

Appendix E: Analysis of Selected Emerging Contaminants & Direct Toxicity Assessment supports the resource consent application and determines the level of risk of organisms following discharge to the ocean. 

Updated 10 March 2022 at 12:34