Waikanae River water quality follow-up investigation

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The purpose of this report is to identify sources of faecal contamination in
the Otaihanga Domain areas of the Waikanae River so that action can be
taken to address the effects of sources, and water quality can be
improved. The river is managed for contact recreation (bathing) purposes
under the Regional Freshwater Plan.

Bacteria levels in the river failed to meet the bathing guidelines at the Boat
Ramp site just downstream of the Domain during sampling in late
Recommendations include an investigation to determine the extent of
faecal contamination from the stormwater discharges. An investigation
into sources of faecal contamination in two subsurface drains from the
Otaihanga suburb is also recommended.1998. The levels were
marginally over the guideline threshold.

This report outlines the methods, results discussions and conclusions
and recommendations arising from this study.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 11:18