Mangaone Stream faecal coliform study

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Following a request from the Te Horo Beach Residents Association a brief
study was organised in September 1995 by Jason Wills to identify
possible faecal pollution sources that were contributing to the high faecal
coliform levels in the Mangaone Stream.

Eleven sites were sampled on two occasions to try and locate where
these high levels were originating from.

The study has established the presence of one highly likely source and
three possible sources of pollution, these sources being:

-Walkers drain (likely source).
-Powles drain (possible source).
-Swamp Road drain (possible source).
-Caboose café and shops (possible source).

It is recommended from the results of this study that a targeted
investigation be focussed on Walkers Drain and a stream walk be carried
out on Powles Drain, Swamp Road drain, and in the Mangaone Stream
behind the Caboose Café.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:54