Review of Navigation Safety in Wellington Harbour Entrance Channel and Approaches

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Review of Navigation Safety in Wellington Harbour Entrance Channel and Approaches preview
  • Published Date Sun 31 Oct 2021
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South Maritime Solutions (SouthMS) have found that the various systems and standard operating procedures used in managing navigation safety in the Wellington Harbour Entrance Channel (the Entrance Channel) and its approaches are mature, having evolved over many decades. They are generally fit for purpose, but as is often the case, changes made over time in one part of the system can conflict with or adversely affect other parts. This review has not identified anything that is fundamentally wrong or non-compliant.

The purpose of the recommendations in this report is more to reset and align the various parts in the system with contemporary good industry practice and to reduce the navigation safety risk in the Entrance Channel to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).

Updated 12 October 2022 at 16:47