Regional Policy Statement Plan Change 1 Consultation Information Statement

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  • Published Date Mon 05 Dec 2022
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Greater Wellington Regional Council (Greater Wellington) has created this information statement to explain how we manage your information (including personal information) collected through the submissions process for the Regional Policy Statement (RPS) Change 1 process. Personal information is information about an identifiable individual – you.

Our collection or creation, use, and disclosure of your personal information addresses the requirements of the Resource Management Act 1991 (the RMA) and the Privacy Act 2020. More specifically, Schedule 1 to the RMA directs us to use the processes in:

  • Part 1 of that Schedule when preparing, changing, and reviewing policy statements and plans, including the use of prescribed Form 5 and Form 6 (see Schedule 1 to the Resource Management (Forms, Fees and Procedure Regulations 2003).
  • Part 4 of that Schedule for a freshwater planning process, including hearings and appeals.

Greater Wellington supplements these processes with a range of administrative requirements.

Updated 1 December 2022 at 15:11