Response to LGOIMA request 2023-073 5 May 2023

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Response to LGOIMA request 2023-073 5 May 2023 preview
  • Published Date Mon 15 May 2023
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Request for information: 

"What is the process for a Metlink/GWRC call centre staff member to escalate a customer complaint when they are contacted via Twitter, contact centre or Facebook? 

- How frequently do the Service Delivery meet as a team/or alternatively with the contact centre staff to discuss existing issues raised directly from the aforementioned customer complaints? 

- What is the mechanism in which the Service Delivery meet with the Operators, and how frequently are these meetings taking place? 

- Are GWRC/Metlink minutes taken at these meetings? 

- Are Metlink in frequent daily "real time" communication with the operators as issues arise? 

- Would the cancelation for four back-to-back hourly services, providing no Public Transport to a community be considered an issue to try and solve on the day? 

- Would GWRC/Metlink agree that rate payers deserve better than to frequently have four-hour periods without a service (see Wellington's most cancelled bus routes | RNZ Newsopen_in_new) as has happened on at least 4 occasions in the last in the last 2 weeks on the number 27 route is unacceptable? 

- These (no service for four hours) periods on the #27 have happened whereby the number 7 bus has run with perhaps one out of 4 or 5 buses cancelled. Do GWRC/Metlink believe that there is at least some merit in the Service Team at least discussing this issue with the Operators, to ensure a more equitable service?"

Updated 15 May 2023 at 15:53