Response to LGOIMA request 2023-167 18 July 2023

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Response to LGOIMA request 2023-167 18 July 2023 preview
  • Published Date Fri 08 Sept 2023
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Request for information: 

"I request the following information under the LGOIMA 1987: 

  • The number of resource consents in processing with your Regional Council which have been in processing for one year or longer, measured from the day on which they were first lodged with your Regional Council? 
  • The number of resource consents in processing with your Regional Council which have been in processing for two years or longer, measured from the day on which they were first lodged with your Regional Council? 
  • The number of resource consents in processing with your Regional Council which have been in processing for three years or longer, measured from the day on which they were first lodged with your Regional Council? 
  • The number of resource consents in processing with your Regional Council which have been in processing for five years or longer, measured from the day on which they were first lodged with your Regional Council? 
  • The number of resource consents in processing with your Regional Council which have been in processing for seven years or longer, measured from the day on which they were first lodged with your Regional Council? 
  • The number of resource consents in processing with your Regional Council which have been in processing for ten years or longer, measured from the day on which they were first lodged with your Regional Council?"
Updated 8 September 2023 at 16:29