Response to LGOIMA request 2023-221 13 September

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Response to LGOIMA request 2023-221 13 September preview
  • Published Date Fri 13 Oct 2023
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Request for information: 

"Under the OIA/LGOIMA I would like to know: 

  1. the average time for a consent to be processed and approved at your council
  2. how many consents have been sitting with the council for more than 6 months since it was first submitted, with a decision yet to be made 
  3. what is the main cause of delays to processing consents 
  4. how many staff work to process consents at the council
  5. how much was spent in the last FY on processing consents (total cost including staffing) 
  6. what work, if any, is underway to streamline the consenting process at your council 

I look forward to receiving your responses on Monday 18 September, or before." 

Updated 13 October 2023 at 16:03