Response to LGOIMA request 2023-237 3 October 2023

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Response to LGOIMA request 2023-237 3 October 2023 preview
  • Published Date Mon 16 Oct 2023
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Request for information: 

"Information relating to permitted activities under the NES-F, clause 33 

1. How many contraventions of NES-F, clause 33, does the Greater Wellington Regional Council (the Council) know to have occurred in the time from 1 July 2022 to the present, in the region. Please provide a list of these contraventions. 

Information relating to reporting requirements under clause 36

2. How many contraventions of NES-F clause 36 (failure to report if required), does the Council know to have occurred for the reporting period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023, in the region. Please provide a list of these contraventions. 

Information relating to consented activities under NES-F, clause 34

3. How many resource consents has the Council issued in the time from 11 May 2023 to the present pursuant to clause 34. Please provide reference numbers of these consents. Please also advise of any consent applications received during this time, which are being processed currently. 

Use of the National Reporting Tool 

4. From the response to our request earlier this year (OIAPR-1274023063-2015), we understand the Council has been able to identify owners/operators of contiguous landholdings for which reports have not been provided, by comparing these with data effluent consent holders. We understand that aligning this information was not a problem in the reporting period ending on 30 June 2022. Could you please let us know whether the Council has also been able to identify operators in this way in the reporting period ending on 30 June 2023? 

Information relating to follow up action and enforcement 

5. For each known contravention of obligations under clauses 33, 34, or 36, what follow up, educational or enforcement action has the Council has taken or does it plan to take? We know that this will involve general education and engagement with the public and with industry. However, please let us know if the Council has contacted, or intends to contact, individuals directly about specific breaches and whether this has been, or will be, in the form of educational, directive or other action. 

Information relating to monitoring

6. Aside from the information collected via the National Reporting Tool, has the Council carried out any additional monitoring of compliance with part 2, subpart 4 of the NES-F? Does the Council plan to for the next reporting cycle?"

Updated 16 October 2023 at 14:22