Response to LGOIMA request 2023-248 26 October 2023

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Response to LGOIMA request 2023-248 26 October 2023 preview
  • Published Date Wed 01 Nov 2023
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Request for information: 

"The pilot for snapper on the Johnsonville line highlighted a number of short-comings of the design and delivery of the snapper 'service'. These shortcomings were ignored and snapper was subsequently rolled out across the remainder of the rail network. These shortcomings have been greatly exacerbated following the rollout, including: having to show your ticket (at least) 3 times for each journey; excessive queuing at start and end of journey; snapper machines sited at unprotected sites requiring queuing in poor weather; poor latency of the technology solution; customers being fined due to poor operation of the services (such as machines not registering transactions and journey times being longer than software allows for). 

OIA Request - please provide detailed plans for how and when these significant shortcomings in the services will be rectified. If there are no plans then please provide the agenda, papers and minutes for ALL meetings associated with the running, management or governance of snapper in particular all decisions relating to the acceptance of the significantly poor service and the decisions why addressing these shortcomings won't be happening."

Updated 1 November 2023 at 15:23