Response to LGOIMA request 2023-254 2 November 2023

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Response to LGOIMA request 2023-254 2 November 2023 preview
  • Published Date Wed 08 Nov 2023
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Request for information: 

"Under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, I request the following information : 

On 27 August 2023 [redacted] emailed you regarding the public meeting at the Bus Stop Café, 15 Sims Road, Te Horo Beach on the same day. 

In your reply you provided the following statement: 

"Unfortunately I wasn't available to attend the meeting on Sunday morning." 

Michael Moore, Deputy Chair of the Waikanae Community Board sent you an invitation to attend with what I would consider adequate notice. 

Yet we did not receive an apology nor did you show the grace to attend to this important meeting. In your capacity of an elected official on the board of the Greater Wellington Regional Council representing the concerns of the Kapiti Coast Constituency, I would have expected it vital that you would have engaged with the community on this issue. 

To release a statement posthumously some days later in a local newspaper that isn't even delivered to Te Horo or doesn't normally cover the issues that affect Te Horo residents, isn't good enough from the point of view of the people that made the effort to attend this meeting as well as many other residents in our community. 

My question to you under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act, is the following : 

What was the reason that you weren't able to attend the public meeting at the Bus Stop Café, 15 Sims Road, Te Horo Beach? 

Secondly, I hereby, also request a reply to another statement as provided by you in the email that you provided to [redacted] : 

"Bust as I said above, (I) have this week asked Waka Kotahi to se(e) how quickly we can resolve their process and deliver the bus stop for the Te Horo community." 

Has NZTA replied to your request by now? Considering that they have had well in excess of a month to reply. 

And what has their reply been? 

And what will you be doing if you haven't received a reply by now, considering it's well over a month. 

Thirdly, I hereby, also request a reply to yet another statement as provided by you in the email that you provided to [redacted] : 

"In the meantime, we have also asked Uzabus to revert to that route in anticipation of the bus stop being returned." 

This has clearly not happened as the bus drivers are still travelling on the expressway with the odd exception proving that there's no logical reason that the buses can't use their designated route. Will you follow this up as well and make sure that Uzabus is actually complying with your directive? And why isn't Uzabus complying with GWRC's directive, as once again they have had over a month to comply with this directive?"

For a copy of the attachment relating to this request please email 

Updated 8 November 2023 at 11:56