Response to LGOIMA requests 2023-255 and 2023-257 2 November 2023

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Response to LGOIMA requests 2023-255 and 2023-257 2 November 2023 preview
  • Published Date Wed 08 Nov 2023
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Request for information: 

Request for information 2023-255

"Under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, I request a reply to the following email that I sent to you on 19 September 2023. 

Dear Lisa Colebrooke, 

In recent correspondence of yours with another resident of Te Horo, you have stated the following: "For Te Horo, it is more complex. The carpark previously used for bus turnarounds required difficult turning maneuvers which imposed delays when trying to cross back into traffic. There is an agreement in principle about establishing a bus stop towards the south end of the community on the Old State Highway 1, subject to a safe pedestrian crossing. Metlink will likely need to undertake consultation with affected properties for the Northbound stop, which would take 4 to 6 weeks. Once completed, final sign off will be required from Waka Kotahi and then Metlink can organise for the bus stops to be added to the network, and signage to be installed." 

1) "The carpark previously used for bus turnarounds..." 

That is historical and completely irrelevant to the current situation.

The bus does not need to pull off the old State Highway in order to stop and pick-up or drop off passengers. The only possible reason that the bus will now need to use Te Horo Beach Road, is so that it can include Te Horo Beach settlement in it's schedule. 

However it does not need to use the privately owned carpark at Hyde park for that purpose. 

2) "There is an agreement in principle..." 

Between which parties is this agreement and why is it in principle? 

3) "... a bus stop towards the south end of the community on the Old State Highway 1, subject to a safe pedestrian crossing." 

Why does this particular bus stop require a safe pedestrian crossing? 

And what is the difference between a standard pedestrian crossing and a safe pedestrian crossing? 

Do you have statistics and/or guidelines for the implementation of safe pedestrian crossings when establishing bus stops and what are they? 

Will this mean that the bus stop at Peka Peka which is yet to be commissioned, will also require a safe pedestrian crossing? 

4) "Metlink will likely need to undertake consultation with affected properties for the Northbound stop..."

Why is that and which properties are you referring to? 

5) "...which would take 4 to 6 weeks." 

Why do you expect it to take up to 6 weeks? 

And what is the significance of stating that? 

The revocation works will according to NZTA own estimations not be completed until 2026, does that mean that GWRC/Metlink will not undertake consultation with the affected properties until after the revocation works are completed? 

6) "Once completed, final sign off will be required from Waka Kotahi..." 

Are you implying that once consultation with affected properties is completed, final sign off will be required from Waka Kotahi?

"For Peka Peka, there is existing location on Peka Peka Link Road where future bus laybys are already in place. KCDC will be presenting the traffic resolution to the Waikanae Community Board on 31 October 2023 to legitimise the location decision, then Waka Kotahi will need to endorse the decision. Once fully approved, Metlink will organise for the bus stops to be added to the network, and signage to be installed." 

1)"KCDC will be presenting the traffic resolution to the Waikanae Community Board on 31 October 2023..." 

Could please elaborate on this statement as the deputy chair of the Waikanae Community Board has no such knowledge currently? 

Can you please provide the contact information of this person at KCDC that is responsible and will be presenting this traffic resolution? 

2) What timeframe has been allowed for the full implementation of this bus stop at Peka Peka? 

In other words when do you expect this bus stop at Peka Peka to be operational? 

How will you inform the general public and the residents of Peka Peka of the date of commencement of this bus stop?"

Request for information 2023-257

"This is a request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act of 1987. This request is a follow-up to my previous Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 which I submitted on 8 September 2023 and of which I received a reply on 26 September 2023. GWRC File Ref: OIAPR-1274023063-17024. 

In hindsight, I now realised that my request wasn't specific enough and consequently I now need to submit an additional request. 

1) The buses that are typically used on the 290 route; 

i) what is their seating capacity for passengers? 

ii) what is their additional standing capacity for passengers? 

iii) what is their total capacity for seated and standing passengers? 

I have attached a photo of the buses that are used on the 290 bus route. 

2) What was the date that the 290 bus timetable increased from 16 trips a day to 35 trips a day? (weekday trips) 

I assumed that it was 25 July 2022 because that's what was printed on my timetable, but is that actually correct? 

Images of the old and new timetables attached. 

3) What are GWRC's normal marketing strategies when increasing the frequency of a bus service? 

And did they apply that to the adjustment on the 290 service that I'm referring to here? 

4) How many passengers are carried on the buses broken down to a per trip basis? (Not just the daily basis)

i) How many of these passengers were paying passengers?

ii) How many of these passengers were non-paying passengers? I'm referring to Goldcard holders, children of an age that qualifies them for free travel or any other exemptions. 

5) What is the total cost of running the 290 bus service? 

And how does it compare to the income that is generated from carrying passengers? 

I don't know what records you keep for these two questions but if they are monthly breakdowns, that will be adequate. 

6) The timeframe these questions relate to, can be the same as in my previous LGOIMA request, in which I suggested that they could cover the last 6 months or possibly from 25 July 2022."

For a copy of the attachments related to this request please email

Updated 8 November 2023 at 14:09