Response to LGOIMA requests 2023-264 and 2023-265 7 November 2023

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Response to LGOIMA requests 2023-264 and 2023-265 7 November 2023 preview
  • Published Date Tue 14 Nov 2023
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Request for information: 

"The following information in respect of the freehold properties: 

Title Reference Legal Description
WN55C/496 Lot 2 Deposited Plan 77778 and Lot 3-4 Deposited Plan 87969
  1. Copies of all resource consents held by the Council.
  2. Details of any complaints made to Council and/or enforcement action received in the last 5 years in respect of the properties. 
  3. Details of all contamination information held by Council in respect of the property."

"The following information in respect of the freehold properties: 

Title Reference Legal Description
WN137/63 Lot 122 and Part Lot 121 Deposited Plan 410

Lot 123-124 Deposited Plan 410

Lot 1 Deposited Plan 578996*

*same address as WN55/247, being 29 Messines Road

  1. Copies of all resource consents held by the Council. 
  2. Details of any complaints made to Council and/or enforcement action received in the last 5 years in respect of the properties. 
  3. Details of all contamination information held by Council in respect of the property." 

"The following information in respect of the freehold properties: 

Title Reference Legal Description
WN49C/983 Lot 1 Deposited Plan 83103
  1. Copies of all resource consents held by the Council. 
  2. Details of any complaints made to Council and/or enforcement action received in the last 5 years in respect of the properties. 
  3. Details of all contamination information held by Council in respect of the property."
Updated 14 November 2023 at 13:39