State of indigenous biodiversity and indigenous ecosystems in the Wellington Region. A collation of recent monitoring and reporting

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State of indigenous biodiversity and indigenous ecosystems in the Wellington Region. A collation of recent monitoring and reporting preview
  • Published Date Fri 01 Dec 2023
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This report is a compilation of recent monitoring and reporting on the state of indigenous biodiversity and indigenous ecosystems in the Wellington Region. States and trends across the terrestrial, freshwater and marine domains are summarised to provide an overview of the current health of indigenous biodiversity and ecosystems in the Wellington Region.

Citation: Maseyk F, Parlato E 2023. State of indigenous biodiversity and indigenous ecosystems in the Wellington Region. A collation of recent monitoring and reporting. The Catalyst Group Report No. 2023/189 prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Author: Maseyk, F and Parlato, E

Updated 6 December 2023 at 07:36