River water quality and ecology monitoring 2022/23

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River water quality and ecology monitoring 2022/23 preview
  • Published Date Tue 19 Dec 2023
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Greater Wellington’s river water quality and ecology monitoring programme provides information on the stream condition across the Wellington Region. Water quality and ecosystem health are currently monitored at 39 hard-bottomed and 7 soft-bottomed river and stream sites within each main river catchment (Whaitua). These sites were chosen to represent the major land uses and human activities and the natural diversity of rivers and streams in the wider Wellington Region. This report contains monitoring results from 2017/18 to 2022/23. An interactive version can be accessed from the water monitoring page.

Reference: Greater Wellington (GW). 2023. River water quality and ecology monitoring 2022/2023.

Updated 19 December 2023 at 15:14