Response to LGOIMA request 2024-004 14 February 2024

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Response to LGOIMA request 2024-004 14 February 2024 preview
  • Published Date Wed 14 Feb 2024
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Request for information: 

"As an official information request, can you please provide the below information for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023: 

  • the daily scheduled departure time for the first morning train from Masterton to Wellington. 
  • the daily actual departure time of the above train from Masterton. 
  • the daily scheduled arrival time of the above train in Featherston. If not available, can you provide the departure time from Featherston
  • the daily arrival time of the anove train in Featherston. If not available, can you provide the departure time.
  • the daily scheduled arrival time of the above train in Wellington. 
  • the daily actuele arrival time of the above train in Wellington. 

Can you provide me a copy of any report, email memo or other formal communication send within Metlink discussing the timeliness or reliability of the Waiararap train service. 

If available can you provide me with a copy of any policy, standard, service level agreement or similar document that sets the expectation of timeliness and reliability of passanger trains. 

I request this information to: 

  • compare the accuracy of your information with my own observations. 
  • investigate the reliability of the Wairarapa commuter train." 

On 31 January, you clarified "Can you provide me a copy of any report, email memo or other formal communication send within Metlink discussing the timeliness or reliability of the Waiararap train service" to "I want to know if the constantly delays in the Wairarapa line has been brought to the attention of the management team and what has been discussed or agreed on this. If it will be easier to reduce the number of communications, can you restrict the emails only to those to and from members of the top 3 tiers of the organization?"

For a copy of the attachment relating to this request please email

Updated 5 April 2024 at 13:31