Response to LGOIMA request 2024-027 21 March 2024

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Response to LGOIMA request 2024-027 21 March 2024 preview
  • Published Date Thu 21 Mar 2024
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Request for information: 

"Information Requested: 

I would like to request information on stopbanks in the Lower Hutt area, along the Hutt River. The Riverlink project is apparently going to provide protection between Kennedy Good and Ewen bridges for a one in 440 year flood, compared to the current state (as best as I can tell the current state is one in 100 year flood protection: Greater Wellington — Flood protection – Hutt Central from just north of Ewen Bridge to Kennedy-Good Bridge ( but please correct me if I am wrong about the status quo or the plan.

I would like to request: 

1) the current stopbank height and flood protection measure (i.e protection from X in X years flooding) for the stopbanks south of Ewen bridge on both the western (Ava/Petone) and eastern (Moera) sides of the river from Ewen bridge through to Waione St overbridge. Please indicate whether these are at different levels of protection at different points i.e. if the western side from Ewen to Ava bridges is different from that of the western side from Ava to Waione overbridge. I am asking here about sections of stopbank that I understand are not within scope of the Riverlink project; please correct me if I am wrong. 

2) information on when the Council last considered the suitability and efficacy of the stopbanks south of the Ewen bridge as described above, and the results of any such consideration

3) any plans the Council (or any related party that the council knows about) to re-assess or otherwise consider improvements to the stopbanks described above

4) whether the Council has any information on potential costs and benefits of improvements to the stopbanks outlinked above

5) I note that the stopbanks in question protect the Gear Island Water Treatment plant. Has the council or wellington water considered the efficacy of the protection of the Gear Island water treatment plant, or put any plans in place to improve protection from flood surges? I also note that Gear island is between Te Mome Stream and the Hutt River, so flooding could come from either direction."

Updated 10 April 2024 at 11:58