Response to LGOIMA Request 2024 093 7 May 2024

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Response to LGOIMA Request 2024 093 7 May 2024 preview
  • Published Date Fri 23 Aug 2024
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Requested Information:

  • a copy of any application, or draft application, for any project that Greater Wellington Regional Council has submitted, or intends to submit, to the process to be considered for addition to Schedule 2 of the Fast Track Approvals Bill; 

  • a copy of all correspondence between the council, councillors and staff in relation to the Fast Track Approvals Bill (including, but not limited to, any application to be considered for addition to Schedule 2 of the Bill) and the following people or organisations: 

- any member of Parliament, whether in their capacity as a MP or as a Minister of the Crown; 

- Ministry for the Environment; 

- Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment; 

- Department of Conservation; 

- Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet; 

- Ministry for Primary Industries. 

Updated 23 August 2024 at 09:24