Regional Passenger Transport Operational Plan November 2007

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  • Published Date Fri 30 Nov 2007
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The Passenger Transport Operational Plan provides detailed guidelines,
methods and targets for achieving the vision, objectives and policies of the
Regional Passenger Transport Plan. The Operational Plan is approved by
the Council on the recommendation of the Passenger Transport
Committee but does not form part of the Passenger Transport Plan in a
statutory sense.
The Operational Plan is structured to reflect various work areas necessary
to achieve the objectives and policies of the Passenger Transport Plan.
Specific targets will be set for each of these work areas where relevant.
The Operational Plan will be built up over time to include current
operational guidelines and standards as they are developed. Where these
do not currently exist, the Operational Plan may include targets for their
development or indicate that additional work is required.
This first Operational Plan mainly reflects the detail removed from the Draft
Plan during the revision process following submissions, so as to enable
the Passenger Transport Plan to focus on providing a robust policy
framework that is responsive to changes in community needs and
operating conditions.
The next versions of the Operational Plan will be more complete and will
include targets for when work areas will be completed.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 11:12