Draft Regional Passenger Transport Plan

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  • Published Date Wed 01 Nov 2006
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Greater Wellington Regional Council has produced a draft
Regional Passenger Transport Plan for the region.
The Plan sets out the Councils framework for the delivery
of passenger transport services in the region for the next
three years (and in some cases for up to ten years). The
Plan forms part of the Regional Land Transport Strategy
which is also currently being developed by the Council.

The overall goal of the Plan is to increase the number of
people using public transport, both in the peak times and
the off-peak times. This goal recognises the benefits that
flow to the wider community and environment when
people choose to use public transport rather than cars.

Strategies to increase public transport usage include
improving the quality of service levels through more
services, easier access to timetable information, better
linkages between services (including between buses
and trains), and better vehicles.

Submissions are invited on the draft Plan. These must
be sent to Greater Wellington by 16 February 2007.
Submissions can be made on the submission form
included in the Plan, or using the submission form on
this website, or simply by sending your feedback to

Please indicate in your submission if you wish to speak
in support of it.

Submissions will be considered by the Councils
Passenger Transport Committee in March or April 2007,
and the final Plan is expected to be adopted soon
Updated 7 December 2022 at 11:18