Broad Scale Habitat Mapping of Sandy Beaches and River Estuaries on the Western Wellington Coast

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Broad Scale Habitat Mapping of Sandy Beaches and River Estuaries on the Western Wellington Coast preview
  • Published Date Wed 01 Mar 2006
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This report maps the substrate of beaches and river estuaries
along the Kapiti coast line as far as Otaki Beach North,
Karehana Bay, Plimmerton Beach, Titahi Bay, and Makara
Estuary, and provides an overview of the health of these intertidal
habitats which provide significant amenity and environmental
value. It suggests that the information gained would assist in
future strategic planning and management of issues associated
with: resource consents, pollution and state of environmental
monitoring, and identifies the following environmental pressures
during sampling: erosion protection, flooding, grooming,
introduced weeds, landfill leachate, loss of marginal habitat,
nutrient enrichment, residential, sand extraction, shellfish
collection, stormwater, and vehicles. The report concludes that
the sites were in a healthy condition but residential development
poses the most significant impact to the coastal areas.

Updated 6 December 2022 at 23:54