Regional Outlook: Wellington regional economy 2000 - Region well-placed to ride the technology wave

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  • Published Date Tue 01 Feb 2000

The Wellington region’s economy has expanded steadily over the last two
years with relatively strong growth in the transport, communications,
business services, tourism and building sectors. The regional economy
performed well over 1998/99 compared to a dull national performance. A
lack of dependence on exports and Te Papa’s pull in attracting tourists to
the region, as well as continued strong growth in telecommunications,
produced regional growth close to 3% compared to a slight (-0.6%) fall in
output nationally.

The overall outlook is for the Wellington region’s economy to grow over the
next two to three years, although at a slightly slower pace than the rest of
the country. However, this overall description hides some promising
structural change in the economy.

This booklet outlines the current state and outlook for the Wellington
regional economy.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:18