Wairarapa Municipal Oxidation Ponds Water Quality Monitoring Report : July 1999 - June 2001

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  • Published Date Fri 01 Jun 2001
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This report presents the results of the Wairarapa municipal oxidation pond
water quality monitoring programme for July 1999 - June 2001

The report provides information on the water quality of effluent discharges
from the Wairarapa municipal oxidation ponds, and assesses the effect of
effluent discharges on the receiving water quality. Although comparisons
with receiving water quality guidelines and objectives in the Regional
Freshwater Plan are made and, where appropriate, compliance with
conditions in discharge consents is assessed, it is not a consent
compliance report.

The five main townships of the Wairarapa Valley are served by reticulated
sewerage systems with municipal oxidation ponds providing treatment for
the effluent. The treated sewage effluent, which is primarily of domestic
origin, is in turn discharged into nearby waterways.

These rivers, as well as functioning as receiving waters, have significant
ecological value, are of spiritual significance to tangata whenua, and
support recreational activities. Therefore the receiving waters should meet
water quality standards which the community finds acceptable and which
safeguard the life-supporting capacity of aquatic ecosystems.

The five townships and their wastewater discharges are:
- Masterton, discharging to Makoura Stream
- Featherston, discharging to Donald's Creek
- Martinborough, discharging to the Ruamahanga River
- Greytown, discharging to Papawai Stream, and
- Carterton, discharging to the Mangatarere Stream.

The Makoura Stream, Papawai Stream and Mangatarere Stream (via
Waiohine River) flow into the Ruamahanga River. Therefore all the
municipal oxidation pond discharges, with the exception of Featherston,
affect the Ruamahanga River.
Updated 6 December 2022 at 23:18