Hydrological Monitoring Technical Report

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Hydrological Monitoring Technical Report preview
  • Published Date Wed 01 Jun 2005
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This report describes the state of, and trends in, surface
water resources of the Wellington Region in terms of
water quantity, using rainfall, river flow and lake level data
collected as part of Greater Wellington Regional
Council's hydrological monitoring programme.

The report addresses the following questions:
- What are the general patterns of surface water quantity
in the Wellington Region?
- What were the surface water quantity patterns and trends
since the last State of Environment Report for the
Wellington Region (1999)?
- Are there any long-term trends or changes in surface
water quantity of the region, and if so, what are the
possible reasons for these trends?

The analyses contained in this report will be used to
assess the effectiveness of the Regional Policy
Statement (Wellington Regional Council, 1995), in
particular the Objective 1 relating to freshwater quantity:
The quantity of freshwater meets the range of uses and
values for which it is required, safeguards its life
supporting capacity, and has the potential to meet the
reasonably foreseeable needs of future generations.

Updated 7 December 2022 at 01:12