Instream flow assessment for Otukura Stream and Battersea Drain

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  • Published Date Fri 16 Mar 2007

The values relating to the environment of a stream (including the channel,
stream bed and water) are called instream values, and these include
aesthetic and Maori cultural values. Instream values can be adversely
by activities such as damming, abstraction of water, and discharge of
Knowledge of the relationship between the flow regime and instream
values is
important when developing water allocation policies, so that the flow
requirements for instream values can be considered objectively alongside
stream uses (Ministry for the Environment, 1998). This report is a
preliminary step in an instream flow assessment for the Otukura Stream
Battersea Drain. The information gained in this assessment will be used
Greater Wellington’s Environment Management Division when proposing
water allocation policies for the waterways.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 10:30