Instream Flow Assessment for the Lower Ruamahanga River

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  • Published Date Thu 07 Feb 2008

This report was commissioned by Greater Wellington Regional
Council (GWRC), to address key information gaps identified in
an instream flow issues report for the lower Ruamahanga
River which was prepared by GWRC.

It outlines the results of habitat modelling, undertaken as part of
an Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) analysis for the
Ruamahanga River, and makes recommendations on the
minimum flows required to maintain instream values in two
sections of the lower river. It also assesses the likely impact of
implementing these minimum flows on passage for fish and
recreational boating, and the likelihood of the proposed
minimum flows resulting in an adverse effect on water
temperature or dissolved oxygen in the lower reaches of the
Ruamahanga River.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 11:06