Planwell - Number 7

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This issue of Planwell relates to our coastal environment

Coastal Ecosystems – Bianca Sullivan provides an outline of the physical
processes shaping the coastal environment and describes some of the
key ecological components of the two main habitats in this area.

Coastal Policy and Practice – Just how is the coastal environment
managed? Richard Peterson comments on historical coastal
management problems and explores how legislative reform is working in

Hands on in the Harbour – Writing policy is one thing. Putting it into
practice is another. Harbour Master Mike Pryce provides an insight into
how activities in one of our most intensively used areas are managed.

Oil pollution – Oil is potentially one of the most devastating pollutants in
the coastal environment. Deputy Harbour Master Patrick Atwood leads us
through the steps for managing an incident.

Off the Edge – What is out there along our coastline? A large proportion of
our coast is hidden from view underwater and habitats along the shore
are largely a mystery. Johanna Rosier and Wayne Hastie provide a
summary of the major ecological characteristics of the coastal

School Scene – Amazing estuaries – a practical project for students
prepared by Ann Sheridan (Lift out section provided for schools only)
Updated 7 December 2022 at 06:00