Wellington Regional Land Transport Strategy 2007 - 2016

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  • Published Date Wed 01 Aug 2007
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The Wellington Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS)
2007 - 2016 was adopted by Greater Wellington on 19 July
2007. It is a statutory document (prepared under the Land
Transport Act 1998) that Greater Wellington must produce via
the Regional Land Transport Committee (RLTC). This
strategic transport document guides the development of our
region's transport system including public transport,
roads, walking, cycling and freight for the next ten years and

The adopted strategy includes a strong commitment to
passenger (public) transport and reducing greenhouse gas
emissions. It also recognises the importance of a strategic
road network which operates safely and efficiently. It includes
outcomes and ambitious new targets in relation to
increasing the use of sustainable transport modes such as
passenger transport, walking and cycling, reducing
greenhouse gas emissions, improving road safety, reducing
severe traffic congestion, improving freight efficiency and
improving land use and transport integration.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 11:30