Queen Elizabeth Park Coastal Dunes Management : Discussion Document

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  • Published Date Fri 01 Jun 2001
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The objectives of this report are to:

• Outline the overall erosion processes that are occurring in the coastal
dune area of Queen Elizabeth Park, after reviewing the physical and
natural history background.

• Examine current Park coastal dune management.

• Develop options for management strategies and specific projects in the
coastal dune area.

This report provides background material and scopes options for future
management directions and projects, that can be used in the forthcoming
review of the Park Management Plan.

The results of this work will then feed into subsequent work on foredune
restoration, as well as a review of the Management Plan, which is planned
to commence in 2002. The current work is not intended to replace or pre-
empt revision of any aspects of the Management Plan, rather to provide
background material and scope options for future management directions
and projects. It also provides limited details of possible specific projects
that could proceed immediately, again without pre-empting revision of the
Management Plan.
Updated 6 December 2022 at 23:48