Hydrological Assessments of Ten Wetlands in the Wellington Region and Recommendations for Sustainable Management : A Holistic Approach

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  • Published Date Tue 01 May 2012
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This report summarises surveys undertaken of 10 wetlands
in the Wellington region during 2010. The main purpose of the
surveys was to gain a better understanding of their hydrology.
Plant values are also documented, wetland water chemistry
characterised, and monitoring and management recommendations
outlined. The wetlands surveyed were: Mangaroa Peatland,
Barton's Lagoon, Foreman's Lagoon, Waingawa Wetland,
Te Hapua Wetland, Haruatai forested wetland, Katihiku Wetland,
Taumata Terrace Wetland, Allen-Lowes Bush and Carter's Bush.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 02:12