Coastal and freshwater sites of significance for indigenous birds in the Wellington region

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Coastal and freshwater sites of significance for indigenous birds in the Wellington region preview
  • Published Date Mon 30 Sept 2013
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Policy 23 of the Wellington Regional Policy Statement directs regional and district plans to "identify ecosystems ... with significant indigenous biodiversity values" in coastal and freshwater habitats in the Wellington region.

In order to deliver on Policy 23 with respect to indigenous birds, Greater Wellington Regional Council has carried out this desktop review of existing data describing the distribution of rare and threatened indigenous birds in the Wellington region.

This data was summarised on a site-by-site basis, then the criteria listed under Policy 23 were applied to each candidate site to identify which sites met the threshold of possessing "significant indigenous biodiversity values" with respect to indigenous birds.

One hundred and sixty-six sites were identified by this review, comprising 85 sites in the coastal marine area, 36 sites in the beds of rivers, 25 sites in lakes and 20 sites in wetlands. Information describing the location, bird values and threats to each site is summarised in the appendices to this report.

Updated 7 December 2022 at 02:36