Towards a Greater Wellington - Investing in the future: Wellington Regional Council ten year plan 2000-2010, incorporating the 2000-2001 annual plan

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  • Published Date Sat 01 Jul 2000
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Towards a Greater Wellington - Investing in the Future is our ten year
blueprint for how we hope to raise the quality of life in the greater
Wellington Region.

The plan is divided into two volumes.

Volume 1 - describes the philosophy of the Council – how it wants to
make a real difference – making Greater Wellington even greater. What
that means for the Wellington Regional Council (WRC) is expanded on
through the sections of the target diagram with its four main components
of A high quality environment, a prosperous and viable region, a safe
region with healthy people and a strong and inclusive regional community.
The possible roles of the Council in achieving these aims were set out

Volume 2 - explains what our objectives are, with diagrams to show what
we believe the Council and community should be striving for and the
contribution that can make.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:18