The Hutt City Council and Greater Wellington Regional
Council have undertaken a programme to assess the
nature and extent of contaminated sediments in the
Waiwhetu Stream. Options for addressing the…
There is no digital version of this document available, but you can get in touch with to get a copy of the document.
alarm Published 01 Jun 2003
The May 2003 issue of Hazards, which looks at current
emergency management projects in the region as well
as recent reports and hazard updates.
This report details the bore logging of NZGS geologists and
presents the results of the examinations and analysis of the
strata and water samples by DSIR scientists. This
information is…
This publication sets out the direction for managing the five
regional parks in the Wellington region; Battle Hill Farm
Forest Park, Belmont Regional Park, East Harbour
Regional Park, Queen…
This document presents the operational plan for the
containment, suppression or eradication of pests and plants. It
examines Rooks, Rabbits, Magpies, Perennial Nettle, African
Feathergrass, Bathurst Bur, Manchurian Wild rice,…
The purpose of this Action Plan is to describe how Greater
Wellington Regional Council intends to address the
significant problem of wetland decline in the Region. It
spells out Greater…
This first edition of the Parks and Forests Community
Newsletter contains items from volunteers who have run
events for the Regional Outdoors Programmme. It also
lists upcoming events and outlines the…
This document reports on the rebuilding and calibration of the
new numerical model, HAM2 (Hutt Aquifer Model 2). It offers an
improved calibration facilitating in the reassessment and