The fourth newsletter in the Boulcott/Hutt Stopbank Feasibility
Study series.
In our last newsletter (July 2006) we discussed the stopbank
alignment options that we would be investigating and how we
2005/2006 Annual Report on the Regional Land Transport Strategy
This document contains a Further Submission from Maypole Environmental Limited.
A further submission must be linked to a matter in support of, or in opposition to, a submission made on the…
Greater Wellington Regional Council is publishing and distributing
this Statement of Proposal because we are amending our
Long-term Council Community Plan 2006-16. We want to hear the
views of the…
There is no digital version of this document available, but you can get in touch with to get a copy of the document.
alarm Published 01 Sept 2006
This report presents suitability for recreation grades (SFRGs) for
23 freshwater and 76 marine sites across the Wellington region.
It assesses the microbiological risk and actual indicator bacteria
This document sets out the proposed dangerous dam policy to
be adopted by Greater Wellington Regional Council in
accordance with the requirements of the Building Act 2004.
This report analyses data from four surveys carried out in
1991, 1995, 1999 and 2004. It determines the volume of
gravel and bed level changes that have occurred in…
A fact sheet on feral and unwanted cats, which are a
significant problem in New Zealand due to our unique
native wildlife.
This report summarises submissions received as part of the
second stage of consultation on the North Wellington Public
Transport Study.
The second stage of consultation invited comment on four