The WTSM trip distribution and mode choice models estimate the trip matrices by mode and purpose from the trip ends and network generalised costs. They have been calibrated as 24…
The demand models (trip end, distribution and mode choice) produce 24 hour person trip matrices by purpose and mode in production/attraction form (trips are ‘produced’ at home and ‘attracted’ to…
This edition includes:
Updated Benefit Cost Ratio for Transmission Gully
Regional Land Transport Committee - Summary of 29 May 2003
Meeting Held at Porirua City Council
In urban areas, the pipes that collect rainwater from your
roof and yard are connected to a network of underground
pipes that transfer the rainwater to local streams or to the
seashore. These…
This report surveys the Inanga spawning habitats in the
Wairarapa, being the eastern districts of the Wellington Region,
and delivers the results of this study.
Save the Drain for Rain is a pamphet that explains the
difference between the stormwater network and sewage
system. It describes common house hold wastes that
are often unintentionally disposed…
The Hutt City Council and Greater Wellington Regional
Council have undertaken a programme to assess the
nature and extent of contaminated sediments in the
Waiwhetu Stream. Options for addressing the…
There is no digital version of this document available, but you can get in touch with to get a copy of the document.
alarm Published 01 Jun 2003
An information sheet describing the flood hazards of
Wairarapa. Including the places most at risk from a
big flood, the chances of a big flood occurring, a big…
An information sheet describing the flood hazards of the
Greater Wellington region.
Including: Why floods happen, what to do when building
or renovating, what is put at…