This document sets out the Regional Rail Plan (RRP) as a
long term development for the users of Wellington region's
rail network. It aims to maintain and grow the…
This document is Greater Wellington's Resource
Management Charging Policy for 2009. It describes
the charges that are payable to Greater Wellington
for a range of resource management…
Why you need to mulch your garden, when to
do it, where, and how.
The July 2009 edition of Greater Wellington Regional Council's
newsletter on the Waiwhetu Stream clean-up and Flood
Protection works, a joint venture between GWRC, the Ministry
for the Environment, and…
Island Bay beach is formally managed by Wellington
City Council (WCC) in accordance with the South
Coast Management Plan (2002). The coast and bay
seaward of the Mean High…
Lyall Bay is a very popular recreational beach for
Wellington residents. Greater Wellington (GW) and
the Wellington City Council (WCC) have requested
a report on dune restoration options…
Greater Wellington Regional Council (GW) and Porirua
City Council (PCC) have requested a five year
restoration plan for Titahi Bay beach. It is intended that
this project…
This report presents the results of a targeted assessment of
sediment quality at selected intertidal locations in Porirua
Harbour in February 2009. The primary focus of the
assessment was the…
The Council is authorised under section 149 of the Local
Government Act 2002 to make bylaws managing the use
of regional parks and forests, and soil conservation and
rivercontrol reserves…