Te Awarua-o-Porirua Committee and Ngāti Toa Rōpu combined the knowledge and experience of the community who care about this catchment: iwi, householders, scientists, recreationalists, business owners, and environmentalists.
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alarm Published 13 Dec 2021You've spoken, we've heard - from Pukerua Bay to Newlands, and everywhere in between.
You've spoken, we've heard - from Pukerua Bay to Newlands, and everywhere in between.
There is no digital version of this document available, but you can get in touch with publications@gw.govt.nz to get a copy of the document.
alarm Published 13 Dec 2021The natural state of rivers, lakes and wetlands is modified, in some cases significantly, and there has already been loss of natural character and habitat. River, lake, flood and land…