Request for information:
"Please supply the GWRC expenditure on Rook (Corvus frugilegus) eradication over the last five years by year, area and against budget."
Request for information:
"This is a LGOIMA request.
Could I please get a copy of correspondence and reports related to the discovery of a mediterranean fan work on a boat in the…
Request for information:
"I Write to request under the official information act:
All documents and releasable correspondence in relation to the upgrade of the Awarua Street railway station rain shelter, that has…
Request for information:
"Could you please provide an update on the progress of investigations into engineering solutions for improving air quality. Specifically, I would like to know:
a) When did the investigation…
Request for information:
"Therefore, in light of this and what appears to be a rather profitable scheme, I request:
1. The number and value of CHILDREN monthly pass purchases in the last…
Request for information:
"nitrate concentrations, preferably as nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), and corresponding sample dates, from each of your region's groundwater monitoring bore sites including historical bores that are no longer being monitored.…
Request for information:
"Total expenditure on bottled water in 2022:
Please provide the total amount spent on bottled water, including the cost of procurement, delivery and any other associated expense.
Total expenditure on…