Request for information:
"All correspondence, including but not limited to e-mails, records of meetings/calls and other relevant records, from Regional Council elected members and officials, concerning the decision to reduce service…
Request for information:
"what is the full criteria Metlink uses to calculate the punctuality and reliability performance of its bus and rail networks?
does the punctuality criteria include or exclude services that…
Request for information:
"This is a request for official information under the Local Government Official Information and Meeting Act 1987 relating to graphic designers within your organisation.
We request the following information:
Request for information:
"Sewage... in our streams and beaches.
@WgtnCC can you advise of your plan to stop this happening?
@greaterwgtn Does this breach discharge consents?
Please consider these LGOIMA requests
(Retweeted Wellington Scoop…
Request for information:
"Does your organisation hold a music license for its various offices and buildings?
Does your organisation require multiple music licenses for different buildings?
How much does your organisation pay for…
Request for information:
"In view of the Government's announcement that new trains will be purchased for the Wairarapa Line, what additional infrastructure, such as station facilities and passing places, is expected…
Request for information:
"We request the following information:
Please provide a breakdown of all the bonuses/pay awards your organisation has given out to its employees in the 2022/2023 financial year.
Please ensure this…
Request for information:
"I'm writing from [redacted] seeking information under LGOIMA for reporting in the public interest.
Please provide:
All reports and summaries of Greater Wellington public transport customer/user surveys, as well as…
Request for information:
"All correspondence, including but not limited to e-mails, records of meetings/calls and other relevant records, from Regional Council elected members and officials, concerning the decision to reduce service…