This document provides an image identifying the slope of the landfill, in support of the resource consent.
This document contains the report of the assessment regarding air quality effect (as part of the evaluation for future waste disposal and the current preferred option) in support of the…
This document reports the geotechnical risks associated with the proposal; as identified by a geotechnical desk study and a preliminary ground investigation.
This document outlines the fault hazard plan and the slop angles plan in relation to the Geotechnical Report.
This document outlines the findings of groundwater investigations and assessments of potential effects to groundwater, which is prepared in support of the Southern Landfill resource consent. This report includes details…
This document reports the overall ecological health of the aquatic and terrestial environments within the proposed Stage 4 landfill extension.
This document provides a collated table of the boreholes and test pit logs associated with the Southern Landfill area.
Greater Wellington Regional Council has responsibilities to manage biodiversity under the Resource Management Act 1991. Various council programmes that contribute to the management of biodiversity are consolidated in the Biodiversity…
This document contains the low-flow assessment of ecological effects in relation to the treated wastewater discharges from the Martinborough, Greytown, and Featherston Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants.