Request for information:
"Total monthly patronage counts for diesel passenger rail services in 2022:
1) Total patronage counts (both inbound and outbound) for all main stops along the Wellington to Palmerston North…
Request for information:
"copies of all reports and minutes held by your local body relating to any analysis conducted or proposed of the relative benefits and disadvantages, including economic, environmental and…
Request for information:
"Could you please give me the bus patronage numbers for the following buses from the beginning of this year? The numbers who get on and off at each…
Request for information:
"Please provide the following information under the LGOIMA for the financial year 2023:
The total number of resource consent applications which the council has not processed within the applicable…
Request for information:
"Could you please provide me with information on any analysis or internal discussion undertaken within GWRC of NZ Transport Agency research report 609, Quantifying the economic and other…
Request for information:
"Total expenditure on bottled water in 2022:
Please provide the total amount spent on bottled water, including the cost of procurement, delivery and any other associated expense.
Total expenditure on…
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alarm Published 27 Sept 2023